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Coffee morning with cakes and plant sale


This event is being held at the garden on Saturday 25th May 10:30-12 


Come along and join us at the gardens while sipping coffee, eating a nice slice of cake and browsing our homemade jams/preserves made by one of our volunteers, Joy. There is a plant sale supported by Bootsies Nursery where you can buy some beautiful plants to "spruce" your garden up or why not build your own hanging baskets. 



The preserves trolley outside Dunton Lower School is now stocked!



Including a variety of jams and chutneys, and fresh produce as available.



Please do not leave cash on the trolley; payment should be made by BACS or cash/cheque directly to the garden – more details available at the trolley.


Note: Preserves will be temporarily removed if the weather is set to turn particularly cold.